Tech Talks

LinkedIn as a networking tool

A talk about all things LinkedIn. Why is this social media so widespread in Tech? How can we optimize our profiles? How can we build engagement through content? A brief discussion about personal branding in this platform.

Language: Spanish


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A brief introduction to Scrum

Learn Scrum's fundamental philosophy and techniques in one talk. We talked about the history of agile methodologies, the role of Scrum in this ecosystem, and the key elements that made it the most used work methodology in Tech.

Language: Spanish


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How to make your LinkedIn profile stand out

Everything you need to build a high-impact LinkedIn profile for Tech, and how to leverage it to gain more traction in this platform and stand out in job searches.

Language: Spanish


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How to change career paths in Tech without dying in the process?

Let's have a coffee while we discuss career changes at age 30, how to navigate the Tech market, and how to build a self-taught study roadmap.

Language: Spanish

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